When things get tough, what keeps you going?
"When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this - you haven't." - Thomas A. Edison
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No matter how determined or committed we are to our work, our purpose and our families, there are times when things just feel tough.
In my experience this either comes from a feeling of sheer overwhelm, or a feeling of defeat – I give up, I’ve failed, this is not working anymore.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become better at accepting things as they are. At not fighting to control or change the things that are not going my way. Sometimes this feels empowering, sometimes it feels like giving up.
In my work over the years with charities and social enterprises, I’ve observed those people who seem to be able to keep pushing ahead, moving forward, and not become defeated.
I’ve started to ask them what it was that helped them to keep going. From the varied answers I’ve had, it seems to boil down to a couple of things:
They are very good at seeing the big picture, the future goal, the milestone they’re working towards. Instead of seeing each disappointment as a mis-step or a step back, they see it as simply a bump in the road, or for the true optimists, maybe even a necessary obstacle along the way.
Secondly, and this is the one I definitely haven’t mastered. They don’t take it personally. They don’t take criticism on social media, rejection from funders, or apathy from potential supporters as a personal vendetta against their work or their cause. Instead, they focus almost exclusively on the people who thank them for helping a loved one, are grateful for the service they provide, and acknowledge their act of kindness.
They haven’t got time for envy or self-pity; they believe in what they’re doing so much that nothing and no-one can distract them from that.
I’d love to know what helps you to keep going when things get tough. Is it a particular person, an activity or distraction, a positive quote you turn to for inspiration?
Add your answer to those I’m collecting here.
Rachel x