Quiet Activism
“Activism is my rent for living on the planet" - Alice Walker, American writer & social activist
Activism (noun): the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, usually a political or social one (Cambridge dictionary)
Do you consider yourself to be an activist?
If not, is it because you believe you don’t take any actions that you associate with activism?
Do you prefer to quietly live in a way that aligns with your beliefs and values, but that avoids confrontation and debate?
Do you feel uncomfortable putting yourself out there, on the line, speaking out about a divisive or controversial topic?
This is something I’ve pondered for a long time. I’m passionate about a lot of things, and there are many areas where I’d like to see positive change. But how much do I actually do about it? How much can I really do about it? How confident and safe do I feel to take direct and noticeable action?
Is doing nothing ever enough? Is it accepting what you don’t want to accept? Is that sometimes necessary?
Is reading about and educating yourself and others about a topic enough? Or do you have to take action too?
Can action be taken behind the scenes? Would you find working or volunteering for a charity that focuses on a cause you believe in worthwhile and rewarding?
If you’d rather not speak up on what you’re passionate about, could you write about the change you want to see and share your thoughts on what you feel is an injustice in the world?
How do you make a positive impact in the world whilst also remaining true to yourself?
I’ve come to understand that there are many ways in which we can take a stand, and for the introverts amongst us, fortunately they don’t all involve public protests.
Here are a few useful resources I found on Quiet Activism:
The Pod shares some case studies of quiet activists in these videos.
A space for quiet activism by Lisa Howard
The Conversation: Ordinary people, extraordinary change
Sorcha Szczerbiak: How to Be an Activist When You’re a Quiet Introvert
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