Welcome to Inspiring Positive Impact

Inspiring Positive Impact is a Substack newsletter & YouTube channel about making a difference in your community.

This is my way of giving back; to share my knowledge and experience with those who work towards positive and social impact.

For this reason, all of the content here is free to access.

You will receive two emails from me each month. You can find an index of all previous posts here.

If you’re looking for support, here are three options:

  1. Find my free and low-cost resources in these articles, videos, books and courses.

  2. For consultancy support, read about my services and fees, then contact me to discuss.

  3. Kirklees-based groups can apply for funded mentoring support by completing this form.

Having worked with charities and community groups for over 17 years, I'm a huge advocate for the third sector; the value it adds to the economy and the great work it does on the frontline.

More than that, I’m a huge believer in the power of an individual or a small community, and I believe that it’s those tiny actions and small acts of kindness made in every corner of the world that add up to real and significant change.

It’s likely that your own unique set of experiences inform the contribution you want to make in the world.

For you, this could be:

  • Aligning with your purpose, mission or calling.

  • Changing careers to something that’s more aligned to your values.

  • Starting a not-for-profit group or social impact business.

  • Taking the lead on an issue that matters to your community.

  • Volunteering for a cause you believe in.

I’d recommend starting with these three free online courses:

  1. Developing Your Idea

  2. Starting Your Group

  3. Funding Your Project

Wherever you are on your own journey, I hope you find something here that inspires you.

Rachel x

Subscribe to Inspiring Positive Impact

Embrace your motivation for positive change, get inspired to pursue meaningful work, and deliver on your social impact vision.


Writer, fundraiser, advocate for the third sector. Happiest in the quiet countryside.